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For more than 20 years, Campesinos Sin Fronteras has provided programs and services that bring about social change, promote  equity & inclusion, address disparities, and mitigate discrimination for the farmworkers, their families and the community. 


Housing Rehabilitaion

Campesinos Sin Fronteras is certified by the United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist South Yuma County's low and moderate-income families with owner--occupied housing rehabilitation, self-help services, and housing counseling services for eligible households. 


Immigration & Legal Services

Campesinos Sin Fronteras is accredited by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to provide affirmative application-based legal services, community education and navigation services at a reduced cost. 


Familias Fuertes 

The Familias Fuertes program reduces substance abuse among youth by improving parenting skills of South Yuma County parents & caregivers.


Courses Offered

Campesinos Sin Fronteras is Licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to provide education services such as Driving Under the Influence (DUI)  Education & Treatment, Substance Abuse Education, Domestic Violence Treatment, & Anger Management Lessons.

Through a grant from the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), Campesinos Sin Fronteras offers services for farmworkers who are victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and teen dating violence with a culturally specific approach.

Victim Services 


  • Annual Youth Conference

  • Annual Parent Conference / Community Forums

  • Summer Programs:

    • San Luis Youth Leadership Institute (14 to 18 years)

    • Somerton: Empowering Future Leaders Summer Program (11 to 14 years)


Through a grant provided by the Office of Population Affairs, Campesinos Sin Fronteras offers the 2THRIVE initiative.  The 2THRIVE initiative provides youth in Yuma County, Arizona with tools and skills to achieve emotional, physical, social, and intellectual health and wellness. 

Tu Futuro Tu Decision

The Tu Futuro Tu Decision (TFTD) program is an evidence-based program that promotes abstinence as a strategy to prevent teen pregnancy.  This program is regulated by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to deliver real results.  


Promotores (Community Health Workers)

A Promotora (Community Health Worker) is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the farmworker community served. This trusting relationship enables the Promotora to serve as a liaison between health & social services and the farmworker community to facilitate access to health services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. A Promotora also builds individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self‐sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support and advocacy. CSF currently has 10 Promotores who have received special licensing through the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS).

The CSF Executive Director is a pioneer of the Promotora (Community Health Worker) Model in Arizona.  She has over 35 years of direct experience in Promotora development programs and has entered into a formal partnership between CSF and Arizona Western College (AWC) to Implement an Academic Promotora Certification Program now offered for a degree-credit, Associates Degree and a pathway to higher education.

Food & Farm Worker Relief 

Through the assistance of a USDA grant, the Food & Farm Worker Relief (FFWR) Program provides financial relief for farmworkers who were negatively impacted by COVID-19. CSF serves over 10,000 farmworker families in the US/Mexico border cities of San Luis, Somerton, and Yuma Arizona.


Dia del Campesino

Dia del Campesino is organized by the Yuma County Farmworker Services Coalition (now National Coalition).  It serve over 3,000 agricultural workers.  This event is a celebration and an expression of  gratitude for our essential workers.

Over 20 services are offered including food, raffles, music, and more!


Highroad Partnership Model

Campesinos Sin Fronteras partners with local agriculture employers to administer the Advancing Health Literacy Program.  This program offers essential farmworker safety training including pesticide safety and heat-stress education to the employees.


Campesinos Sin Fronteras has an established partnership with the Mexican Consulate in Yuma to provide health literacy, health screenings, and health referrals.

Services Include:

  • Prevention, control, and management of chronic diseases

  • Support groups for the elder with chronic diseases in Yuma, Somerton, and San Luis

  • Free blood pressure and glucose exams at the Mexican Consulate & health events 

Vida Sana

The Vida Sana Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Program is designed to prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. Our program delivers a quality, evidence-based program which meets national quality standards Under the Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP) and has earned Full Plus Recognition status by the Center for Disease Control.  This designation is reserved for programs that have effectively delivered a quality, evidenced-based program that meets all of the standards and additional retention thresholds for CDC recognition.


Campesinos Sin Fronteras in partnership with the Arizona Prevention Research Center (AzPRC) is administering a Community-Led Health Equity Structural Intervention; Achieving Farmworker Health through Community-Led Research.  This Structural Intervention is funded by the National Institute of Health, Common Fund award number OT2OD035606.  The purpose of this study is to identify the structural barriers to health that farmworkers face.  To learn more about this project, see the full press release here.

Campesinos Sin Fronteras is conducting a study in collaboration with the University of Arizona.  The purpose of this study is to identify neighborhood characteristics that influence wear and tear on the body due to stress (allostatic load) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.  This research will allow us to identify migrant or seasonal farmworkers' risk for stress and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.  This research  project is sponsored by the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and is covered by a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institute of Health.    

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